Teaching is a job that never ends! We can always find more to do… And it’s in our nature to want to do EVERYTHING possible to help our students. Hands up if you have ever thought, “Have I differentiated enough for…?” ‘I must ring (insert student name) parent to check in about …” On top of, you know, all the other things including: lesson prep, classroom organisation, marking, data for admin… Oh and teaching!

“Work Life Balance”

This term gets thrown around everywhere, and if we dwell on it, we can really start doubting our career path. We work most weekends, nights and all day in the classroom! We still find time for a life, but it is certainly NOT an equal amount of time!

In a world where we are constantly surrounded by messages that we must spend a ‘balanced’ amount of our time for ‘life’ away from work, it is so easy to feel guilt when we put in any extra work outside of school hours.

Teaching is NOT a job that can be done between the hours of 9-3, I don’t care what others may say, it simply is not possible, especially if you want to do it well!

Life changing staff meeting!

Monday afternoon staff meeting! There I was, itching to get back to my staffroom so I could get started on my never-ending to-do list praying that I’d get home before dark. The anxiety was mounting because I knew I had at least 2 hours of work left to do before going home, when my interest was piqued when my Deputy stated, “Stop trying to reach a Work Life Balance… Instead aim for Work Life SATISFACTION!”

What the heck is Work Life Satisfaction!?

How satisfying is the feeling of getting to school and knowing that you have everything ready and organised for the day ahead?

How satisfying is it walking to your classroom knowing that you have created an awesome, hands-on activity that will reinforce that concept that little Johnny just isn’t grasping?


the satisfaction of being prepared with a work portfolio that showcases a student’s work to their parents at parent teacher interviews!

That is “Work Life Satisfaction”.

Entering the classroom feeling organised and prepared, presenting a lesson that is engaging, differentiated and purposeful. Being able to manage behaviour in a more precise and planned manner because you are in control of the situation. 

The satisfaction we acquire greatly outweighs the extra time and effort!

Mindset Change

Current thinking:

“It’s 4pm, I have to go home and relax because I have been here since 7:30am”

“I shouldn’t be lesson planning because it’s Sunday night!”

New thinking:

“Even though its 4pm, I will make this quick parent phone call so I’m not stressing about it all night!”

“I know it’s Sunday night but if I spend this bit of time preparing these awesome lessons, I know my students will be better behaved because they will be engaged!”

There is nothing worse than getting to school early in the morning feeling super stressed out because your to-do list is FULL of things that must be done before the bell!

Praying that there isn’t a line up at the photocopier, or God forbid… it’s out of toner!!

Letting out a sigh of relief when the parent phone call wasn’t for you or the student at the door wasn’t needing help from you!

By spending a little extra time doing tasks that will make future you less stressed, will bring so much satisfaction in your career.

The benefits of achieving Work Life Satisfaction


    • Improved organisation

    • Engaging lessons/ student engagement

    • Behaviour management

    • Clutter free workspace

    • Stronger parent / student / colleague relationships

I could go on and on, but quite honestly the very best benefit is the effects this mindset shift will have on your overall satisfaction as a teacher!

I’m not telling you to always prioritize work over yourself, not at all! What I encourage is that extra bit of planning, that quick phone call, which you know will alleviate your burden in the future and make tomorrow more satisfying!

Work life satisfaction is a mindset change that I now live by! Give it a try.