Are you wondering how to teach multiplication, division, addition or subtraction of fractions?

Or perhaps you’re spending A LOT of time googling, ‘how to teach students to multiply fractions?’

Well …stop googling, I’ve got you covered with this 7th grade Fractions and the Four Operations Teacher Resource!

Multiply, divide, add and subtract fractions

Let’s take a closer look at this resource – Fractions and the Four Operations

Pre-Requisite Learning Worksheets

Teaching fractions to grade 7 students can be so tricky, I get it!

This is because there are so many pre-requisites that students must know for them to able to successfully multiply, divide, add and subtract fractions.

In this resource you will get a whole file dedicated to the pre-requisite skills your students need to know before starting to learn fractions and the four operations.

– How to create mixed numbers and improper fractions

– Creating Reciprocals (need to know this before dividing fractions!)

– Finding fractions of a quantity

– Finding the lowest common denominators


Sample pages of pre-requisite learning worksheets

Lesson Plans

Each operation has a separate lesson plan with an editable differentiation column so you can record/document the needs of your individual students.

Each lesson is broken into sections following the structure of explicit teaching.

The lesson plans detail approximate timings, guided questioning, and ideas of learning tools such as show me boards/buddy talk etc.

Lesson Plan


You receive two PowerPoints that contain EVERYTHING you need to teach your class how to…

  1. Add and Subtract Fractions
  2. Multiply and Divide Fractions

Each PowerPoint has a learning intent and success criteria to ensure students have a clear understanding of the lessons intent and explicit criteria for their success.

Each lesson follows the same structure:

– Lesson intent/success criteria

– Key terms/vocabulary,

– Explicit Step to success with worked example

– Guided and independent practice questions (includes answer slides)

– Checking for understanding



This PowerPoint has been split into three parts:

  • Add and subtract fractions with related denominators
  • Add and subtract fractions with unrelated denominators
  • add and subtract mixed numbers



  • Multiplying fractions
  • Dividing fractions

The best part – each PowerPoint follows the same questions as the worksheets so your students can complete the questions from the PowerPoint straight onto their worksheets! We’ll take a closer look at these next!


PowerPoint slides


The perfect companion to the PowerPoints is the matching worksheets.

What the students are seeing on the PowerPoint is mirrored on their worksheet in front of them – these can be glued into their books and referred to throughout the unit of study.

The worksheets have the same guided practice and independent questions as the PowerPoint and a third page of application questions.

The first two pages of each worksheet set is to be used in conjunction with the PowerPoint during the explicit phase of teaching each new skill.

The third page (worded problem-solving questions) can be used in multiple ways. The most common being a follow up lesson, homework or during a maths rotation after the explicit lesson.

Once all lessons have been taught and your students have successfully learned the skills of adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing fractions; they can complete the final worksheets that include 11 problem solving questions involving all four operations.

Students need to identify key words, interpret information and choose appropriate methods to solve the problems.

This can be used as a post-test/formative assessment to gauge each students level of understanding.


-Add and Subtract Fractions

  • Add and subtract fractions with related denominators
  • Add and subtract fractions with unrelated denominators
  • add and subtract mixed numbers

-Multiply Fractions

-Divide Fractions

-Problem solving using the four operations

Each worksheet also comes with a fully differentiated version, these have been created for students who are working at year level but require extra scaffolding, decreased questions and/or simplified questions.

The differentiated versions are designed to look the same as the “at level” sheets so all students feel included while being given every opportunity for success. (The differentiated versions of these worksheets are not designed to be given to students working on Individualized curriculum plans or highly modified learning plans.)


    This resource will provide you with the tools you need to help your students succeed in learning how to add, subtract, multiply and divide ANY fraction!

    Happy teaching 😊